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Studio Blog
A little of this, a little of that, and a whole lot of fun reading!
How to Choose a Hairstylist Part 5 – Value is different than Price
It pays to be picky about personal services. It pays to expect more out of your experience besides the ?? you left in payment.
It’s all about the value. What else did you get besides the hair?
How to Choose a Hairstylist Part 4 – Time for an Interview
While many, many people choose to skip this step, I’d really, really recommend you don’t.
Interview your Hairstylist. In Hairstylist terms this is called a Consultation but for you it’s nothing more than an interview. I highly suggest you meet more than one candidate before filling the position and here’s why…….
How to Choose a Hairstylist Part 3 – Look at the Salon
A great Salon creates a blueprint for the type and quality of hair services, the customer experience and the level of education required of any Stylist who chooses to work there. In other words…..
“If You Aren’t Growing, you’re Dying”
You know what you have to do. You’ve seen it done, others around you have accomplished it, but yet no matter how hard you try you are unable to make progress. Frustration is rampant, lack of confidence is finding its way into your mind and it literally just seems impossible.
Hairstyling Apprenticeship Standards – a Grey Area?
The Hairstyling Apprenticeship, for as long as I can remember, required schooling and work hours. Work hours are spent with a Sponsoring Stylist who is required to teach and sign off on all the essentials skills in the Apprenticeship handbook. I’ve been through the process as the Apprentice and now multiple times as a Sponsor. Imagine my surprise while registering my third Apprentice and discovering an entire ‘grey’ area I had not realized even existed!
The Art of the Blowdry
I know it sounds cliche. I know it sounds like 1940 but believe me it was NOT! Those women with their rollers wanted what everyone really wants – their hair exactly how they liked it. They just happened to like a hard, backcombed set that would last a week. There were also clients who came in once a week but wanted something different which is where it gets interesting…..
Girl, take a break. Literally.
I can hear what you tell yourself when you don’t live up to your expectations. When you don’t finish your to do list. On the days when you’re so damn tired that you wonder why you are doing it anymore. The days that your passion is merely a hot coal instead of a full flame.
Ideas are born by the emotions we experience!
Sometimes the Stylist would genuinely connect with me, invest in making me look and feel amazing and other times not. There were a few times things went south and I didn’t walk out feeling great about myself or my appearance at all. Times where I had to stare at that bad hair service in the mirror for weeks while it grew out or while the colour faded. Those times taught me what I didn’t want.
How to Choose a Hairstylist Part 2 – Window Shopping!
The best thing you can do is select your inspiration picture right from the Stylist’s portfolio. Loving a their portfolio is wonderful but if you can’t see yourself with the hair in that portfolio, it’s probably not the right match.
How to Choose a Hairstylist – Part 1
So often new salon clients tell us how hard it has been for them to find a great Hairstylist that not only did amazing work, but really listened to what they were asking for.
As Stylists we know exactly what to look for before, during and after a consultation, and we also know a red flag when we see one. The problem is how are YOU, the most important person, supposed to know???
Luxury, quality & comfort
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